Product Designer and Team Lead at in Amsterdam, NL.

Welcome to my design playground!

My name is Jarryd, I am a Product Designer, people manager, and an experience enthusiast with a penchant for visual storytelling. Copy, grids, graphics, and code become my palette to paint the picture and enable new and exciting experiences that solve real world problems. Observation, experimentation, and real world conversations are the conductors of my design operas. I consider a job well done to be felt as a whole, not noticed for all of the individual actors, like experiencing a philharmonic orchestra.

As represented in the School of Athens image above, the more diverse experiences and interactions we have, the more we have to share and exchange, the richer the world becomes for us all. Technology is enabling us to do this in many ways that communities have never known before. Embracing diversity, understanding different ways of thinking, and experiencing different cultures is helping us to become better educated and have greater empathy. And design is a powerful tool for us to be making meaningful changes. Let's continue to leverage technology to keep the good momentum moving forward by nourishing the roots of our communities with what they need to continue growing.

Mid 2021 I am reigniting my design focused website. I will start again to post design case-studies, short tutorials, and updates on projects. I will keep my past resources here as well. If you to stay updated with new content, click here.


My name is Jarryd Wafer and I live in Amsterdam, Netherlands where I currently work as a UX Designer and Team Lead at I am currently interested in new projects and open to prospective full-time work opportunities, speaking engagements, and collaborative projects.

Please join my mailing list to stay updated about projects and feel free to connect and reach out on LinkedIn.

Jarryd Wafer